Progress So Far

  • Romance writer - Historical. Contemporary and Intrigue
  • 2 books written for HarperImpulse

Monday, 19 October 2009

Alas poor WIP, I knew it well!

Forgive my misquote (Hamlet) – but…’Tis Done. Or will be by the end of tomorrow! What am I rambling on about? The HM&B Writing Competition that's what! I've preened, pruned, slashed, cut, and editied the poor Chapter to within an inch of it's life - and now finally - it will be sent off.

So have I covered the basic’s? - Namely:
Are my character's physical descriptions vivid? Are main characters sympathetic despite their obvious flaws/faults? Is it obvious what the story is about from the first chapter?
What are their internal/external conflicts? Can I sympathise with then as the story progresses?
Are secondary characters necessary; and if so do they take over? If they do, is it a problem? Do they add interest and issues to the story?
How is the dialogue? Does it flow? Does it carry the story forward? How my pace? Is it too slow; too fast; not enough?
Does my chapter have a good romantic tone and what’s my voice like?
The above is not an exhaustive list. And if I’m honest I’m not sure if I’ve got it completely covered! But there you go. It’s going off whatever.
Take care. Caroline x


  1. Oh, Caroline, there's just too much to think about, isn't there?

    I'm working on my chapter just now (when I'm not surfing for new blog posts) and I know for a fact I've not covered half the items on your list...aaargh.

    Good luck with your entry. Am sending positive thoughts and keeping everything crossed for it.


  2. Thanks for stopping by Suzanne. And massive cyber hugs for your entry as well! Take care. Caroline x

  3. Good luck - keep us all psoted how you get on!

    all best
    Kate xx
