Progress So Far

  • Romance writer - Historical. Contemporary and Intrigue
  • 2 books written for HarperImpulse

Saturday, 22 May 2010

It's time to go into the Bat Cave......

.....and not come out until:

1. My NWS MIP (Mess In Progress) is done and dusted! I *need* to get this ready by 1st July at the latest on the premise that the NWS (and poor Melanie Hilton) is snowed under come the August deadline. So head down and "GO!"

2. I need to finish my latest WIP (not to be confused with the MIP above!) This is book 3 that needs a final edit - and as Jane Holland pointed out on her recent blog - "why does the edits and rewrites take more time than the actual 1st draft...." *sigh*

3. I'm also enjoying, at the moment, writing lots of short stories which I am subbing to the WOMAGS (Women's Magazines). I never thought I could do "short" but I have surprised myself by actually having some "out there". I've also joined an (invitation only) blog group (there are 12 of us) who sub (anonymously) a short story every 2 weeks. We then critique each others stories and this gives valuable feedback on plot, character, and (more importantly) whether there is a chance it could be good enough to be sent to various editors at the WOMAGS we all target.

SO WHAT DOES ALL THE ABOVE MEAN? Well my amigos it means I'm going to go AWOL for a while. Less blogging, less commenting until numbers 1 and 2 above are done and dusted.

I can feel the withdrawal symptoms fast approaching - this bunny *loves* blogging. But wish me well and god speed (etc) and I'll "see" you all soon....(sob).......Caroline xxxx p.s. well.....maybe a couple of my "favourite" blogs will still get read and....well you get the picture.


  1. Wishing you well and happy writing. The blog curfew is hard. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Sending 'go for it' vibes from my bat cave to yours. jx

  2. Make sure you take some rations with you into the cave. Everyone knows a supply of jammy dodgers,chocolate bourbons, custard creams (delete as appropriate) help the editing process hugely. Good luck with your writing Caroline.

    'See' you in quite a few weeks!


  3. I think I need a cave too!
    All the best,

  4. You're going to be a busy bee! Happy writing!

  5. Good luck - I probably need to take a leaf out of your book and do the same :)

  6. Good luck and happy writing! I don't know if I could do it, I'm seriously addicted to blogs :)

  7. Hi Judy, David, Rachael, Lacey, Rachael and Leah (phew) - thanks for the words of comfort from here in the dark hole of Bat Cave 1 (well o/s in the garden at least - I mean it's 28C out there..) David - choc cheesecake does it for me (and my expanding waistline)... Take care. Caroline x

  8. Good going, Caroline. I need to go into my cave too I think. Want to get a first draft done... Oh, did someone say chocolate cheesecake??

  9. I locked myself into my cave yesterday (well the spare room) and found myself dozing under a copy of cosmo. I think I need to find a new cave as the bed in that one is just soooo cosy. Off to the library me thinks!

    Good luck with all the edits :)

  10. Hi Jackie and LilyS - still in the bat cave - sort of....Caroline x

  11. You'll be missed, Caroline. I've been blogging less, sadly this hasn't resulted in increased productivity.


  12. I should do the same thing. Hope you're productive. :)

    and loved your "mess in progress". LOL

  13. Hi Suzanne and Jennifer - productivity has been a bit slow this week as I've been on a girlie weekend. Back now tho' so nose to the grind Take care. Caroline x
