Progress So Far

  • Romance writer - Historical. Contemporary and Intrigue
  • 2 books written for HarperImpulse

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

My shiny new office!

I promised a picci of my new office - so here it is! Like I said in my last but one post, considering how lovely and cosy it is I've done very little writing! Bad Caroline. Must do better. So this weekend it's a short story for me - I need something "simple" to get me back into the swing so to speak. Caroline x


  1. Oooh lovely!!! Good luck on the short story. x

  2. Great office Caroline. It's good to have your own space to write in.

  3. Thanks Rachael 1 and 2! Caroline x

  4. Love it Caroline!! So nice having somewhere to write eh?

  5. Thanks Jackie and Suzanne. Caroline x

  6. Yes, that looks a great space to write,, Caroline.

    I only have an 'island' in the kitchen - granted it's a wonderful view - but I rather like the thought of somewhere I could go in, shut the door and be alone...just me and my writing. Ahhh...
