Progress So Far

  • Romance writer - Historical. Contemporary and Intrigue
  • 2 books written for HarperImpulse

Thursday 17 October 2013 there anybody out there?

Wow!  It's been such a LONG time since I last posted.  Huge apologies.  No excuse...well apart from trying to edit my latest "Roman".  It's been like wading through treacle with a fat suit on and tied to one of those giant elastic bands that ping you back when you get too far ahead of yourself.

One day I'll realise that it was all worth it...but not right at this present moment in's hell...

As well as being in my editing cave I've also had a PC die on me and had to save up for a new one.  The new one is way too tecci for my liking - so I had to pay for an hour's tutorial to more or less learn how to switch the bloomin' thing on.  What's embarrassing, is that if I had asked my 13 year old niece for help, she would have rolled her eyes and said, "It's easy aunty Caroline."  Give me back my old PC any-day," it did what it said on the tin" if you forgive the pun.

Anyhoo...back to the editing.  Promise I'll post soon...promise...Caroline x