Progress So Far

  • Romance writer - Historical. Contemporary and Intrigue
  • 2 books written for HarperImpulse

Monday, 23 July 2012

I've won an Editor Pitch!

Firstly, MASSIVE apologies for being AWOL for the past " (yikes!) 2 months on the blogwriting front. 

It's because I've been trying to write more, and blog less.  And as you can see from the title it has (sort of) paid off.  I entered an on-line Pitch Competition last week for Entangled Publishing, and I'm happy to say that my pitch has been picked as one of the "winners".

I've now been allocated an Editor and all I need to do now is send the completed MS off to her.  YIKES!  Que (((((panic))).  So, it goes without saying that the rest of this week (and may be next week) I will be re-writing and editing to "polish it" up as best I can.

Wish me luck folks!  Caroline xx

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Hello - and a plug for Linda Lewis's great book!

Just popping in to say "hello" as I've been a bad blogger recently.  But, in my defence, this is because I've been having real trouble with Blogger recently.  (Is it only me? I ask!)  Some blogs I can comment on, some I can't - which is really frustrating.  And to cap it off, yesterday I lost this blogsite.  But I managed to get it back by typing in my phone number, whereupon I get a phone call with a verification code.  I presume this is standard practice - but I hate giving out my phone number!

Now don't die of shock but I've actually started writing.  I've had a writing hiatus for the past year or so!  But the other day, I wrote a short story in a couple of hours.  Hallelujah chorus everyone - the words flowed, and I wrote the whole thing in one go!  And the reason for this complete change? A remarkable book I downloaded onto my Kindle called "The Writer's Treasury Of Ideas" by Linda Lewis who has a blog called "Short Story Writer".

Frustratingly for me, Linda's blog is one of the blog sites that I can't leave comments on at the moment -to thank her -  grrr - so if any of you kind hearted people could pop by and tell her that I am eternally thankful for all her great advice - then that would be great.  Linda has also gone through the mill recently (if you read her blog you'll see), so my thoughts are with her at the moment. 

And, of course, it goes without saying, that if any of YOU are having problems with your creativity then Linda's book is DEFINITELY for you!  Go buy it - TODAY!  Caroline x

Hello and a plug for Linda Lewis's book!

Just popping in to say "hello" as I've been a bad blogger recently.  But, in my defence, this is because I've been having real trouble with Blogger recently.  (Is it only me? I ask!)  Some blogs I can comment on, some I can't - which is really frustrating.  And to cap it off, yesterday I lost this blogsite.  But I managed to get it back by typing in my phone number, whereupon I get a phone call with a verification code.  I presume this is standard practice - but I hate giving out my phone number!

Now don't die of shock but I've actually started writing.  I've had a writing hiatus for the past year or so!  But the other day, I wrote a short story in a couple of hours.  Halleluja chorus everyone - the words flowed, and I wrote the whole thing in one go!  And the reason for this complete change? A remarkable book I downloaded onto my Kindle called "The Writer's Treasury Of Ideas" by Linda Lewis who has a blog called "Short Story Writer".

Frustratingly for me, Linda's blog is one of the blog sites that I can't leave comments on at the moment -to thank her -  grrr - so if any of you kind hearted people could pop by and tell her that I am eternally thankful for all her great advice - then that would be great.  Linda has also gone through the mill recently (if you read her blog you'll see), so my thoughts are with her at the moment. 

And, of course, it goes without saying, that if any of YOU are having problems with your creativity then Linda's book is DEFINITELY for you!  Go buy it - TODAY!  Caroline x

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Sad Today....Part 3!

....It's been a bit of a traumatic 6 months I have to say. First it was the death of my lovely MIL last August, and then in December my gran who was 93.

Then, if that's not enough, this week we've lost our lovely dog Molly. She had mouth cancer and the vet said it was for the best. But still, it's a massive loss. We were both devoted to her. She ruled the roost there's no doubt about it, wrapping both myself and the DH and my other dog Bob around her paws like no-ones business! But she was my fur baby. I've never had children, and I'm the first to admit that I treat my dogs like children. Some people don't understand how an animal, be it cat or dog or whatever, can take the place of a child. But then others can.

Anyway - to say I've shed a bucketload of tears these past 3 days is an understatement. My only consolation is that we had her for 7 fabulous years. She came to us aged around 6 from the dogs home, having been abandoned and then picked up by the dog warden (who I know through work). She was in a very poor state when we got her. Skin and bone. But we fed her up, took her for long walks around our lovely island here on Anglesey, and she soon forgot all about her poor start in life. She especially enjoyed our outings in our old motorhome.

Anyhow - choking up now. So RIP Molly - we loved you so much.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Hello? Is there anybody out there....?

....I'm only asking as it's been an AGE since I last posted. Mucho apologies - that old saying "I don't know where the time goes" springs to mind.

Again, all I can say is sorry. Life seems to just keep getting in the way at the moment. Presently its work related. As an EHO specialising in housing issues (think landlords/tenants) my "busy" time of the year is winter. I get a lot of complaints about housing conditions - especially damp and mould. So I get to inspect a lot of damp dingy houses (nice - not) and then have to do something about it, either by writing to the landlord asking them to do/fix something (and if they don't pointing out our enforcement powers). But sometimes the condition of a house is not because a landlord won't do something. It's a delicate thing trying to explain to a tenant that the house they are living in -that is seriously affected by black mould and thier children are suffering from chest infections- is actually being caused by thier own actions. This is something that happens a lot - and has definately been affected by the current economic climate. People have to decide whether they heat thier homes or put food on the table. I've had scenarios where people have ripped off wooden doors for wood to put on a fire as they can't afford to run a heating system.

I often find that some of the work that I do definately finds its way into my writing life - especially my short stories. Pretty much anyone who writes will tell you that your creative process is very much driven by what you've experienced, or are experiencing, in real life. For example I wrote a short story recently about an eccentric old man who had eliniated his neighbours. This was definately drawn from "real" life. Again in the day job I deal with "F&V's" - Filthy and Verminous. We ofen have to get into a property and clean it up - and sometimes the person as well! It can be upsetting, but at the same time rewarding. 9 times out of 10 the person who you are trying to help is (initially) very hostile to what they see as interference. But once we've cleaned them up so to speak, arranged for help via social services etc. they often thank us for helping them. It's very often a cry for help - things have gotten so bad - that they just can't cope anymore.

Anyhoo - enough wittering - I've got work to do! Speak soon - Caroline x

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Writer or not?

I'm in a dilemma! I visit lots of blogs and like to leave comments. I refer to myself as "unpubbed", describing myself as a would be writer (of books). But...I have had a short story published here in the UK - and was paid for it. you think I can call myself a "published author" or not? I feel it's a bit cheeky to say that I am if I'm honest. In addition, when it comes to writing competitions I'm still eligible to enter if I've not had a book published.

Any thoughts? Caroline x